Advertising Revenue (AVOD)
Place your video ads on your contents
Cut out the "middle-men", maximize ad revenue and serve ads from within your Media Cloud.
Simply upload your "house ads" or ads from your sponsors into dedicated Channels within your Media Cloud Management System, and have them served as pre/mid/post-roll ads across your contents per your own preferences.
Inquire on multi-source ad-serving through the Lightcast Media Cloud
Integrate third-party ad network feeds
If you have contracts with ad networks, you can have their compatible VAST feeds integrated as additional ad sources in order to get paid by your ad networks.
Please note that this is a "numbers game", all about viewership volume, and that many ad networks require minimum viewerships. Make sure to select ad networks which return ads at good fill-rates and pay out according to your business needs.
Just send their VAST tags and we will integrate them into all your apps and players per your specifications.
Apply with the ConnectedTV AdNetwork
Already integrated your own sponsor ads and ad networks with success, but would like to maximize your ad revenue on your fast-growing viewership?
Built a consistent viewership of 1 Million monthly views or more?
Apply with the ConnectedTV AdNetwork for an ad-sales deal. New applications are accepted from App Publishers who meet the minimum viewership and content requirements.