Framework Base-Apps: Layouts & Navigation Screens
AndroidTV: Home Screen
The red-framed area is the instantly visible area of the app's home screen.
The Video Gallery Image Area (or "Highlight Area"), in the upper right, will display dynamically interchanging Gallery Images as beautiful background with gradient, loaded from the item of the remote control focus (the Channel or Video the User browses to with his remote control on the Home Screen).
The dark gradient area below is the scrollable area "below the fold", allowing viewers to scroll through your rows of Channels (Categories).
Live Channels will be positioned on row one at the top.
Channels which contain Sub Channels or Media Groups will display the Gallery Images of your Sub Channels or Media Groups.
Channels without Sub Channels or Media Groups will display the Gallery Images of your Videos assignd to the Channel.
AndroidTV: Sub Channel or Media Groups Screen
AndroidTV: Player Page
When clicking on a Video Gallery Image ("Thumbnail"), the Video Details Page is opened which displays title, description, view numbers, duration and Gallery Image Artwork of your Video, with a Play Button to start playing back the selected Video.
The "Play All" option automatically opens the next Video from this Playlist after the selected Video has ended, and continues to open the next Video from the Playlist continuously, until the viewer stops the binge-watching of this Playlist.
With Sub Channels or Media Groups in use, this is the third navigation tier, with the fully-screen playback of the Video being the fourth navigation tier, once the "Play" or "Play All" button has been clicked.