AppleTV: Home Screen

The red-framed area is the instantly visible area of the app's home screen.

The Banner Area (or "Highlight Area"), in the upper right, will display the static background image which Apple renders from your uploaded App Graphics.

The dark gradient area below is the scrollable area "below the fold", allowing viewers to scroll through your rows of Channels (Categories).

Live Channels will be positioned on row one at the top.

Channels which contain Sub Channels or Media Groups will display the Gallery Images of your Sub Channels or Media Groups.

Channels without Sub Channels or Media Groups will display the Gallery Images of your Videos assignd to the Channel.

AppleTV: Sub Channel or Media Groups Screen

If you are using Sub Channels or Media Groups, clicking a Gallery Image of a Sub Channel or Media Group on the Home Screen, will open the second Navigation Tier.

This second navigation tier, the "Sub Channel or Media Groups Screen" displays the Videos assigned to the Sub Channel or Media Group.

AppleTV: Player Page

When clicking on a Video Gallery Image ("Thumbnail"), the Video Details Page is opened which displays title, description, view numbers, duration and Gallery Image Artwork of your Video, with a Play Button to start playing back the selected Video.

Below the details of the selected Video, a row of thumbnaisl of "Recommended Videos" is being displayed, usually other Videos from this Channel (Category).