VCC JesusZentrum - Android TV App
Weekly church services with inspirational messages for soul and spirit. Fill your life and lift yourself up with encouragement and new insights.
App Content
The media content of this channel is available on Android TV. You need an Android TV device in order to watch it.
Watch the content of this channel on CROSS.TV. Please note that the client decides on where to publish his media content and that only a selected number of content from this channel may have been published to CROSS.TV by the client.
VCC JesusZentrum Gottesdienste On-Demand
The media content of this channel is available on Android TV. You need an Android TV device in order to watch it.
Endlich Gute Nachrichten: Inspirative Lebensberichte, Interviews und Botschaften
The media content of this channel is available on Android TV. You need an Android TV device in order to watch it.
Watch the content of this channel on CROSS.TV. Please note that the client decides on where to publish his media content and that only a selected number of content from this channel may have been published to CROSS.TV by the client.