Red Rocks Church - Fire TV App

Red Rocks Church is seven years old, but the development and the vision of RRC began long before we were "born" as a church service. In fact, it was almost six years before the church began that God began calling leaders from various parts of the country to "Plant A Church In Denver." Between the years 2003 and 2005, God began assembling a team of leaders and pastors who teamed up and began to pray weekly for a new church start up on the west side of Denver. During that season of prayer, Heritage Square in Golden, Colorado became available for the group to begin to assemble and gather in preparation for the January 2005 launch. Heritage Square seemed to be the least obvious place to start a church, since it was an old, rundown amusement park seemingly out of the way of almost everything. Little did we realize that Heritage Square would prove to be God's perfect location for Red Rocks Church to begin.
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The media content of this channel is available on Fire TV. You need a Fire TV device in order to watch it.

The media content of this channel is available on Fire TV. You need a Fire TV device in order to watch it.