Lightcast Media Cloud wins Gold Stevie Award
August 8, 2018
During the Award Ceremony of the American Business Awards on June 11, 2018, the Gold Stevie was presented to, to accolade the new Media Cloud as the best new Content Management System of 2018. Our CEO and founder Andreas Kisslinger received the Award thanking the relentless work of‘s developers and employees, the Customer Care Leadership, co-founder Stefan Jager, our CTO and all our Clients around the world who believed in us and supported us on this journey. Mr. Kisslinger finished with the words:
And here is to all the chord-cutters out there, and to the Streaming Television Revolution: Free TV Apps for all! „Vielen Dank“ American Business Awards. „Ill be back!“ (see Presentation Video below)
As Customer Success Team we are greatful for this Award and would also like to extend our appreciation to our Clients who showed so much loyalty in all of these years, with best-in-class retention rates above 95%, and continuous encouragement from so many sides. It is our Clients, their projects, missions, business success and encouragement which keeps us pushing forward to continuously evolve our PaaS product and the new Media Management System - the Lightcast Media Cloud - to be and remain best Content Management System for Multi-Platform Distribution and OTT.
Here is to our amazing Clients and our fantastic employees in all offices and departments - most of all our hard-working developers under a genius leadership. This Award is for all of you!
Your Customer Success Team