FOUR STAR TV - Android TV App

FOUR STAR TV owned & operated by Veterans to benefit Vets

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FOUR STAR TV was established as a for-profit entity. It will operate under the umbrella of the VTRC and will serve the veteran community and the general public with all sales proceeds going to cover operating costs and support the VTRC. FOUR STAR TV will broadcast over Amazon TV channels, Roku and Apple TV. Once the film school at the VTRC is accredited, students will be used to operate FOUR STAR TV Shopping Network as part of their education. Technical training will include camera operation, set design/construction, lighting, audio, live internet streaming, as well as script preparation and delivery. In addition to learning on air presentation, directing experience will also be taught.

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FOUR STAR TV was started to provide that long-term financing. The internet television network will offer three channels. One channel will be dedicated to recorded and live programming on veterans issues. A second channel will focus on recordings of the radio show Veterans Talk/The Forgotten Promise. Currently, the show airs once a week on a Las Vegas, Nevada clear channel radio station. Over air coverage reaches southern California, southern Nevada, southern Utah, and north-western Arizona. The third channel will be dedicated to a home shopping show. Proceeds will provide that steady income needed to support the operation of the VTRC. We will seek businesses that want an online vehicle to promote and distribute their products. They will be charged for airtime and a percentage of sales(subject to individual negotiation). FOUR STAR TV was established as a for-profit entity. It will operate under the umbrella of the VTRC and will serve the veteran community and the general public with all sales proceeds going to cover operating costs and support the VTRC. FOUR STAR TV will broadcast over Amazon TV channels, Roku and Apple TV. Once the film school at the VTRC is accredited, students will be used to operate FOUR STAR TV Shopping Network as part of their education. Technical training will include camera operation, set design/construction, lighting, audio, live internet streaming, as well as script preparation and delivery. In addition to learning on air presentation, directing experience will also be taught. FOUR STAR TV will be more than a shopping network as infomercials will be presented on a variety of veteran’s services and current events.

Der Inhalt dieses Channels ist auf Android TV verfügbar. Du benötigst ein Android TV Gerät, um diesen Channel ansehen zu können.
Veterans Talk is a resource for our brave men and women of the armed forces to get help navigating through the Veterans Administration. All four of the Veterans who are the creators of this website have had some trying times getting veterans benefits they earned while defending this country and the ideals of freedom which spread throughout. Their years of effort led to being recognized by the government as 100% disabled veterans. After conversations with other veterans, it was apparent there are hundreds, if not thousands of vets unaware of the benefits owed them. Also, 30 veterans attempt suicide each day. Although 12 do not succeed, the 18 that do are a real concern to all of us. Our website was founded on the principles of helping other veterans survive, apply, and receive what they are due. It is a commitment shared by the hosts no matter the cost! Each week, they present topics to help vets navigate through the Veterans Administration Healthcare and Benefits Systems. We also discuss how the VA works so vets know what to expect when they seek help with the VA on our webcast called Veterans Talk. VETERANS CARE FOUNDATION, INC. is organized as an exempt organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of which contributions are deductible under section 170 (c) (2) of the Internal Revenue Code. VETERANS CARE FOUNDATION, INC. shall be exclusively for charitable, religious and educational purposes. Net earnings of the organization shall inure to the benefit of the veteran community in the form of grants, direct support for the purchase of goods and supplies to benefit the homeless and costs associated with the webcast Veterans Talk / The Forgotten Promise. The founders are 100% disabled veterans and contribute to the VETERANS TALK webcast / broadcast and the VETERANS CARE FOUNDATION as volunteers with no compensation. EVERY DOLLAR DONATED MAKES A DIFFERENCE FOR THOSE VETERANS THAT HAVE SERVED OUR COUNTRY!