The Lord's Will Ministry - Apple TV App
Practical Christian instructions and inspirational music to the guide your day
Der Inhalt dieses Channels ist auf Apple TV verfügbar. Du benötigst Apple TV 4th Gen oder neuer, um diesen Channel ansehen zu können.
Der Inhalt dieses Channels ist auf Apple TV verfügbar. Du benötigst Apple TV 4th Gen oder neuer, um diesen Channel ansehen zu können.
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The present is a time of overwhelming interest to all living. Rulers and statesmen, men who occupy positions of trust and authority, thinking men and women of all classes, have their attention fixed upon the events taking place about us. They are watching the relations that exist among the nations. They observe the intensity that is taking possession of every earthly element and they recognize that something great and decisive is about to take place—that the world is on the verge of a stupendous crisis. The calamities by land and sea, the unsettled state of society, the alarms of war, are portentous. They forecast approaching events of the greatest magnitude. The agencies of evil are combining their forces and consolidating. They are strengthening for the last great crisis. Great changes are soon to take place in our world, and the final movements will be rapid ones.
Der Inhalt dieses Channels ist auf Apple TV verfügbar. Du benötigst Apple TV 4th Gen oder neuer, um diesen Channel ansehen zu können.
Spirit of Prophecy Audio: Come worship in audio with us while working, relaxing, or meditating on God's Amazing Grace revealing what the future shall be.