7 Hills Church - Fire TV App

Here you can access all the latest and exclusive content from 7 Hills Church and Pastor Marcus Mecum. Stay connected with the church wherever you go – you can find community, inspiration, and motivation anytime, through any device. The 7 Hills Church TV app provides easy access to the following: - Latest sermons from Pastor Marcus Mecum and guest speakers. - Featured special content. - Exclusive creative elements from 7 Hills Church. - The 7 Hills Online Campus experience – where you can get connected to our online community through being part of a live worship experience, chat along with other online family, and find your next steps at each of our weekend services. 7 Hills Church is here to help you live a better life with Jesus, together, and for others. For more information, visit us online at www.7hillschurch.tv

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7 Hills Church ONLINE - Welcome!

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Watch the most recent sermons from Seven Hills Church

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Here inside Featured Content you'll find creative videos, special worship experiences, popular sermons, and more

Der Inhalt dieses Channels ist auf Fire TV verfügbar. Du benötigst ein Fire TV Gerät, um diesen Channel ansehen zu können.
Watch the latest sermons from Seven Hills Senior Pastor, Marcus Mecum

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Watch the latest sermons from visiting guest speakers, pastors, and authors

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Here, you'll find brand new weekly content from our Hills Kids team - weekend messages, bedtime stories, funny videos, and more

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Here you'll find brand new content from our middle school and high school ministry, Legacy Youth - Wednesday services, devotionals, funny videos, and more

Der Inhalt dieses Channels ist auf Fire TV verfügbar. Du benötigst ein Fire TV Gerät, um diesen Channel ansehen zu können.
Here you will find weekly messages and encouraging content from the college ministry of Seven Hills Church