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Kent & Candy Christmas are the founding pastors of Regeneration Nashville in Nashville, TN. Kent Christmas has been in full time ministry for 50 years, traveling extensively across the United States and abroad. His passion is to strengthen the local church body and to share prophetic insight. He is a man of prayer and carries an anointing to preach the word with the demonstration of apostolic power. Kent and his wife, Candy, of the southern gospel family, The Hemphills, have been married for 33 years. Candy has appeared on over 60 Gaither Homecoming videos and in 2004 founded The Bridge, Inc., an organization that ministers to the homeless and hungry of Nashville. Kent and Candy are blessed with two sons, a daughter, and four beautiful grandchildren.

The Global Broadcast of Pastors Kent and Candy Christmas | Regeneration Nashville

Pastor Candy Christmas and Pastor Jasmine Brady

The Global Broadcast of Pastors Kent and Candy Christmas | Regeneration Nashville

The Global Broadcast Network of Pastors Kent and Candy Christmas

The Candy Christmas Channel | Broadcasting Around The World | 24/7/365

"Wholly Holy" Bible Reading Podcast #PastorJasmine #WhollyHoly #BibleReadingPodcast #PreachPrayProphesy #WordNerd #shaketheearth #GodPortal #WordOnFire

Pastor Kent Christmas Wednesday Night Podcast

Pastor Candy Christmas Podcast

Wholly Holy is a podcast designed to help followers of Jesus engage with Scripture through Bible reading and guided study. Join Pastor Jasmine Brady in reading through the Bible in one year on the Life Journal Reading Plan, then tune in every week for a ten-minute highlight of that week’s texts. Her passion is deep, her excitement contagious, and you’re sure to be blessed by Wholly Holy.

Pastors Kent and Candy Christmas www.kentchristmas.org www.regenerationnashville.org #kentandcandychristmas #KCMInternational #KentChristmasMinistries #PreachPrayProphesy #birthingamovement #regenerationnashville #shaketheearth