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His glory fills the room and His anointing flows at every service! Need healing? Need deliverance? Join us at House of Glory right here at Mighty Wind Broadcasting Network TV! His Presence, His Healings, His Miracles; An Apostolic Church to the Nations.

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Join us for powerful testimonies of healing and deliverance! Your miracle time is now! Come ready to receive! www.cathycoppola.org www.houseofglorychurch.org

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Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise; give thanks to Him and praise His name. Psalm 100:4 When we worship, we give Him our whole heart in gratitude. He desires a complete surrendering of our souls unto our Lord Jesus, who gave His all for us. Join us as we enter into the Holy of Holy's and bask in His presence with praise and spontaneous worship. www.houseofglorychurch.org www.cathycoppola.org

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Mighty Wind TV Podcast Be ignited and walk in Holy Spirit anointed power to do the works of the Kingdom! At Mighty Wind Broadcasting Network TV, we believe in preaching the Word, releasing His glory and healing the sick. www.cathycoppola.org www.houseofglorychurch.org www.mwbn.tv

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Training, Equipping and Empowering Men and Women to be Generals for Christ.

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Preaching the Word, Releasing His Glory, Healing the Sick! A network to move you into the supernatural realm of God where His Word is manifested and His Holy Spirit freely moves! Be a part of what the Lord is doing and receive your miracle!

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The names of God reveal the attributes and the character of God, who He is and what He does. As we study each name of God, your walk of faith will deepen, and your prayer life will become enriched. Take these names and their meanings into your secret place with Jesus and pray them. Approach this time with a hunger to know Him more and walk closer to Him. Apostle Cathy Coppola House of Glory www.houseofglorychurch.org www.cathycoppola.org

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Powerful, dynamic teaching, worship and testimonies from Fired Up Conferences!

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Watch us live from House of Glory, Thursday mornings at 10 am and Saturday evenings at 6pm PST. Also watch us live Monday through Friday mornings at 7 am PST, for a quick 15 minute teaching!

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Now you can watch Fired Up Conferences continuously on our live streaming channel!

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Mighty Wind TV scheduled programming is 24/7! Designed to equip you to walk in the power and authority of the Lord Jesus Christ! Learn the Word of God, be encourage by powerful healing testimonies, grow in your relationship with Jesus and move in signs and wonders! You are called by God to walk in the miraculous every day and set captives free. Join us daily and become strong in the Lord and the power of His might!