Torah Class - Roku Channel

Rediscover the Hebraic heritage of the Bible without man-made doctrines and traditions! Join Tom Bradford as he teaches the history, culture, and original languages of both Old and New Testaments through an in-depth, verse-by-verse study of God’s (YHWH's) Word. This is Real. Bible. Study.
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Discover the magnificence of God and His eternal plan for mankind through this verse-by-verse, expository study. Taught in the context of its original Hebrew language, culture, and history, Tom Bradford uses the latest scholarship to reveal colorful and soul-searching insights into Scripture.

Der Inhalt dieses Channels ist auf Roku verfügbar. Du benötigst eine Roku Box, um diesen Channel ansehen zu können.
Unearth the outworking of God's plan as revealed to mankind in the life of Jesus Christ through this verse-by-verse, expository study. He lived by applying all of God's Word to daily life. After His return, the Kingdom community will be those who followed His example. Taught by Tom Bradford.