Four Star TV - Roku Channel

FOUR STAR TV was established as a for-profit entity. It will operate under the umbrella of the VTRC and will serve the veteran community and the general public with all sales proceeds going to cover operating costs and support the VTRC.
Diese App ist derzeit in folgenden Roku Channel Stores verfügbar:
North America, Europe, Asia, Australia, Central America, South America

Der Inhalt dieses Channels ist auf Roku verfügbar. Du benötigst eine Roku Box, um diesen Channel ansehen zu können.
FOUR STAR TV was established as a for-profit entity. It will operate under the umbrella of the VTRC and will serve the veteran community and the general public with all sales proceeds going to cover operating costs and support the VTRC. FOUR STAR TV will broadcast over Amazon TV channels, Roku and Apple TV. Once the film school at the VTRC is accredited, students will be used to operate FOUR STAR TV Shopping Network as part of their education. Technical training will include camera operation, set design/construction, lighting, audio, live internet streaming, as well as script preparation and delivery. In addition to learning on air presentation, directing experience will also be taught.