Monetizing OTT Content: Innovative Strategies for Content Creators

Even the most passionate creators need to pay the bills. Monetizing OTT content is essential for long-term success. Your passion for your content can only sustain your project for so long. The best monetization strategy is to diversify your revenue sources. Where should you look to derive extra income from your OTT content? Let's take a look at a few innovative strategies that other creators have employed to great success.

Monetizing OTT Content: Innovative Strategies for Content Creators

Go Beyond OTT Ad Revenue

Ad revenue will likely be your first source of income as a content creator. However, it should never be your only one. OTT platforms have struggled to expand advertising income in recent years. Meanwhile, the number of content creators only continues to grow. The pie isn't getting bigger, but it needs to be cut into more pieces.

Furthermore, if your content has the potential to be demonetized due to the topics it covers or the style in which you present it, you will absolutely need to start working on some of these other strategies.

Sell Services Directly to Viewers

OTT platforms give you a space to discuss any topic you wish. If you're an expert in an area, consider what services you can provide directly to your viewers. Rather than doing an ad read for another company, slip examples of how you can help your viewers into your content. SuperTutor.TV is YouTube's most successful test prep channel. They make videos about standardized tests, and they sell access to a platform with practice material.

While you cannot expect many of your viewers to pay for services, if even just 1% of thousands of subscribers turn into sales, you've got a steady revenue stream that will outpace ad revenue quickly.

Create New Product and Merch Lines

Mr. Beast is widely recognized as the master in merch monetization. Whether it's the Mr. Beast chocolate bar or the Beast Burger brand that utilizes ghost kitchens, Jimmy knows how to turn his brand into profit. There's a social component to the success of this strategy; viewers buy merch that will identify them to other viewers. Therefore, this strategy is most effective for content creators with wide audiences or significant penetration in a niche market.

Products and merch also work well for OTT TV creators. Successful programs can significantly boost their income by selling clothes, especially.

Seek Sponsorships That Sell

The better the synergy between you and the brands that sponsor you, the better. A generic sponsorship from a VPN or mobile game might put some money in your pocket, but it won't be very relevant to most of your viewers. Since many sponsorships pay depending on sales derived from your affiliate link or referral, you want to partner with brands that harmonize well with what you do. Reach out to brands, don't just wait for offers to arrive.

All of these strategies perform better when you have a larger audience. One of the most effective ways to grow your audience is to publish on multiple platforms and work with experienced OTT content experts. Visit to schedule a callback from our OTT team to learn how we can make monetizing OTT content easy.