December 6, 2013
Give yourself a Christmas gift with your own GoogleTV App and Mobile Media App!
Reach new viewers with your own GoogleTV App and your custom-branded Mobile Media App!
Do you already have a Roku Channel and would like to take your media publishing and reach to the next level? Or maybe you are ready to start with OTT/SmartTV publishing and feel that GoogleTV is the best outlet for you to begin with?
Receive 50% discount on all GoogleTV app development when ordered before December 24th, 2013.
Request a free consultation with a Lightcast SmartTV Specialist: googletv.lightcast.com
Get your custom-branded Mobile Media App!
Want to publish your on-demand media and live-streams on your own native, custom-branded iOS and Android mobile apps?
Lightcast is making it possible through a mobile media app – custom-designed for you and published to the App Store and to the Google Play Store.
Lightcast offers 50% discount on Mobile Media App development and you receive 50% off the second app if you order the mobile app for both iOS and Android before December 24th, 2013.
Simply request a call back with a Lightcast Media Specialist: callback.lightcast.com