User-agent: * Allow: / Disallow: /api/ Disallow: /p/ Disallow: /googletv/ Disallow: /site/ Disallow: /terms/ Disallow: /login/ Disallow: /roku-channel-costs/ Disallow: /static/clients/ Disallow: /user/ Allow: /site/css/ Allow: /site/images/ Allow: /site/js/ Allow: /site/content/ Disallow: /embed/ #Add the same rule but for Googlebot because there are some different exceptions for it User-agent: Googlebot Allow: / Disallow: /api/ Disallow: /p/ Disallow: /googletv/ Disallow: /site/ Disallow: /terms/ Disallow: /login/ Disallow: /roku-channel-costs/ Disallow: /static/clients/ Disallow: /user/ Allow: /site/css/ Allow: /site/images/ Allow: /site/js/ Allow: /site/content/ Disallow: /embed/ #Allow Googlebot to access Podcasts feeds Allow: /*?action=podcast&* Allow: /*?action=googleplay_podcast&* Allow: /*?action=itunes_feed&*