In Touch Ministries - Roku Channel

At In Touch Ministries, our mission is to lead people worldwide into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and to strengthen the local church. We remain committed to advancing the gospel from person to person and place to place as quickly, clearly, and irresistibly as possible. We hope these messages are a blessing, encouragement, and challenge to you in your walk with Christ.
This App is currently published in the following Roku Channel Stores:
North America, Europe, Asia, Australia, Central America, South America
App Content

The media content of this channel is available on Roku. You need a Roku box in order to watch it.

The media content of this channel is available on Roku. You need a Roku box in order to watch it.
Taking the gospel to the ends of the digital world with a 24/7 streaming channel dedicated to sound, biblical doctrine.

The media content of this channel is available on Roku. You need a Roku box in order to watch it.
Stories from around the world as In Touch works to fulfill its mission of leading people in a growing relationship with Jesus Christ.

The media content of this channel is available on Roku. You need a Roku box in order to watch it.

The media content of this channel is available on Roku. You need a Roku box in order to watch it.
A safe show for preschoolers to have fun and learn about positive attitudes and behaviors

The media content of this channel is available on Roku. You need a Roku box in order to watch it.

The media content of this channel is available on Roku. You need a Roku box in order to watch it.