AddThis Account Diamond Clients receive an AddThis Account for integration of social sharing functionalities into their corporate websites. Your AddThis Account allows your webdesigner to copy and paste a pre-configured html embed object at any desired position into your website, where it shows up as social icons (the little square logo icons of social media sites), allowing your website visitors to share your website with friends, by posting a link to your site on their social media profiles.
This addtional feature makes your website look really cool and trendy, but it also serves a crucial purpose: to inspire the creation of more "backlinks" to your website, which increases the search engine visibility and drives fresh traffic to your website, and it increases the visibility of your website and brand in the social media world.
Your website visitors can click on a simple button (as part of the html embed object) and send an email to a friend with a link to your website, post it to their Facebook or tweet it on their Twitter. creates your AddThis account, pre-configures the embed object for you and sends it to your webmaster. It's a very valuable service to Diamond Clients, boosting their SEO rank and organic corporate website traffic.