Internet Presence Evaluation
How does your website actually perform?
How does it perform in comparison to your most direct competition?
What is the brand recognition online?
How many sites link back to your corporate website?
What is your over-all traffic rank? How do search engines view and list your website?
How well are you recognized in the social media world? Is anyone talking about you?
What are the most frequently used keywords potential customers use when looking for a desired service online?
What are the most appropriate keywords for your website, your brand, your service and which ones are you already using?
Get an Outside Perspective
Many questions can and should be raised when looking at your corporate website and the impact of your brand and products online. This is the very first step towards the efficient use of Internet technologies for your business and the most important action to take, if you want to improve the efficiency of your website. You need an outside expert (aside from your webmaster) to perform a health check for you and evaluate your websites recognition and overall internet presence from a quantitative, a Social Media and an SEO perspective. performs this "Internet Presence Evaluation" for you and we are not doing this with any intention to get your business or to display various needs for transformation of your website. In fact - if you are well serviced by a good webdesign agency already - we wouldn't even want to touch your website. Keep the relationship as it is - no need to change a running system. But: what we DO intend to do is give you an independent perspective and some real quantitative data "from outside" - apart from your on-site visitor tracking.
This evaluation can help you greatly to develop a strategy on how to market your website and your brand more efficiently, or it might give you the assurance that you are already doing certain things or everything the right way. Whatever the outcome: your business' success will greatly benefit from it!