On demand delivery
Through our 72 interconnected datacenters, Lightcast.com delivers your stored video content on-demand at the highest possible speed to any point on earth. We deliver your video content with both, RTMP and token-secured HTTP - the team of the future. This delivery technology provides you with maximum security, loading speed, copyright protection and coverage of today's variety of devices, operating systems and browsers.
Every single video upload is transcoded and optimized for flexible delivery in up to 12 file sizes and formats ranging from the 32kb audio-only version up to 3.6 Mbit 1920x1080 Full HD, in order to serve every viewer on earth. Within fragments of a second our VOD Players measure each of your viewer's available bandwidth, processing power and resolution, select and deliver the optimal video version and adapt automatically when conditions change by a smooth uninterrupted transition to another version.
To enable a smooth viewing experience for all users, no matter what internet connection, processing power and resolution they have, the video player technology plays an important role as well. We developed an intelligent algorithm which meassures user's connection speed, available processing power and screen resolution, selects the optimal video version and adapts automatically when conditions change by a smooth uninterrupted transition to another version, from "audio only" up to "Full HD". Of course users have the option to override this behaviour by selecting a specific quality like "HD".
In this case the algorithm adapts automatically within the range of HD versions.